These are the words of Jill Astall, Balboa Press author of “Art Versus Therapy”. Jill answered the call to write her book and self-publish with Balboa Press. If you’d like to learn more about Jill, you can visit her Facebook page. Download the Balboa Press free publishing guide to receive more information.
“To cultivate wisdom and then to dispatch it via passion, integrity, deliberation and intensity” – A Jillism Quotation
Why I Write 
Love comes in many forms. The love of humanity and the drive to expedite answers is paramount. To witness inhumanity to man, woman or child and to do nothing is gross denial and blinkered existence. We search within to appease our needs and neglect to reach out a hand in support of those who struggle. Not in Art. Not in Literature. Of these disciplines we throw a lifeboat to those subliminally drowning. We phrase the words that reach into their hearts and minds and we formulate methodologies and coping mechanisms to provide a life raft in tumultuous times. And these are tumultuous times.
How I Was Able to Publish
In 2015, ever so briefly a Balboa Press advertisement flashed across my computer screen. Would you like to self-publish? Ah that would never work! Sounds interesting though. May 2nd 2016, I clasped my first published copy so kindly delivered on my birthday! My mothers’ decree presented to me “You shall write one day my daughter” obviating the need for her physical presence but clarifying her spiritual existence.
When my Book Takes Place
My book is an expression of angst mingled with hope. A step back into the 1950’s and a lurch forward into the “new world” we are all encountering. How to adapt to this evolution of social systems, eco-systems and world events scattering us as we come to grips with the survival of the species. The ever present cheerfulness, professionalism and comradery of the team at Balboa Press was a beacon shining over stormy seas and something I miss now. The laughter…so much laughter.
To be able to combine art with literature in a book that can be used to chart spiritual evolution and Jungian Archetypes; discuss social sciences; feminism; equality and reach out to those who may feel isolated. To offer answers that may be of assistance to even one person worldwide in all languages and to touch the heart of one soul who may feel understood or not so isolated is a dream come true. The value of books to connect has no boundaries. Books are friends you can’t be with and yet can hold. To aim to alleviate hardship, to join disparaging groups, to formulate theorem relating to human experience and then to join in the dance, holding hands in unison and celebrating life. To be able to combine literature and painting is my celebration of life.
Balboa Press authors who’d like to share a 350-600 word experience related to the self-publishing of their books are invited to do so by emailing or the submission form on the Guidelines page. We may not be able to use every story, but we will read and consider them. Balboa Press reserves the right to edit stories for content, grammar, and punctuation accuracy; as well as for space.