Book Production and Marketing with Balboa Press

These are the words of Dr. Robert L. Lawson , Balboa Press author of “Greatness Awaits: Putting Your Dreams into action“. Robert answered the call to write his book and self-publish with Balboa Press. Download the Balboa Press free publishing guide to receive more information.

Accomplishing my Publishing Dream

publishMy name is Dr. Robert L. Lawson and the title of my book is Greatness Awaits: Putting Your Dreams into action. If I were to explain my experience in making the decision to publish with Balboa Press, I would sum it all up in one word. Incredible!!! Perhaps you’re wondering why. Let me tell you as forthrightly as I possibly can.

First of all, I knew that the content in my book was powerful and I had hoped to find a company that had the expertise I needed to support me in getting it into the marketplace. It turns out that I could not have chosen a better company.

Here’s a brief excerpt from my book:

“I have concluded that my main purpose in life is to encourage others and help them to understand and realize that they can refine, develop and enhance their latent potential beyond anything they could imagine. Nothing excites me more than knowing that through my books and speaking engagements, people have taken to heart something they’ve read or heard, and they’ve put into action some of the concepts and ideas mentioned as opposed to approaching life in a passive manner without having learned to live..”

From inception to finish, Balboa staff members have fulfilled their roles as the ultimate in professionalism. As a life-long educator of both high school and college students and as a consultant and administrator, I know professionalism when I witness it firsthand. Balboa Press promised me a high caliber online eBook, a paperback and a hardback with a dust jacket of which I could be amazingly proud. To put it succinctly, I am.

Marketing Your Book

Not only were they able to deliver that product in a timely fashion but they also refined it from both a content and an editorial perspective. Once my book moved to the marketing department, never in my life have I been privy to the kind of support that would eventually get my book in front of millions of potential buyers through online catalog marketing and so much more. This was a major wow moment! This was an experience unlike any other I had ever had.

Now, I was truly a bookseller at the highest possible level. That happens to be the dream of many authors and it’s certainly one of mine. When you consider that many will only ever sell somewhere between 50-100 copies if they’re lucky. How do I know this? I read a lot. Balboa Press staff members are in the know. They should be. They get paid to be experts in their field. I had not experienced the kind of publishing advice I was being given. It was something that had been sorely missing in my attempts at publishing until I linked up with Balboa Press.

Advantages of Working with Balboa Press

In addition, this company is linked with Lavidge, one of top award-winning publicity firms in the nation aspublish well as savvy marketing consultants who will provide you with solid advice on moves you can make to get your book directly in front of your target audience. You also receive your own personalized website for your book that enables you to project a more powerful, professional image. In addition to credibility because people soon realize that you are indeed for real.

The big-name companies like Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Balboa Press all carry your book. Balboa Press is a division of Hay House, one of the world’s most widely known publishing companies. It’s totally awesome for you to have that connection when you sign with Balboa Press. The added touch of having book stubs to pass out to a few of your contacts so they can download a free eBook is wonderful. It is an ingenious way of further uniquely promoting your masterpiece. What an appropriate and well thought decision I made to develop a powerful relationship with Balboa Press. Soon friends and total strangers who had been referred to my website were ordering my book. I could never have imagined that.

I will end with another excerpt from my book:

”Your new perception of yourself and of the world is this first glimpse of an individual who has revealed a new level of thinking in life that is virtually unlimited. It is at this juncture that the world becomes your oyster. No longer do you feel trapped by thinking you can only make a certain amount of money or be relegated to living in a certain area. Suddenly, you realize that by mastering your own discipline and creative abilities, and by beginning to develop a strong work ethic and utilize your God-given talents, skills and abilities, to the utmost, virtually anything you desire in life is possible.”

Balboa Press authors who’d like to share a 350-600 word experience related to the self-publishing of their books are invited to do so by emailing or the submission form on the Guidelines page. We may not be able to use every story, but we will read and consider them. Balboa Press reserves the right to edit stories for content, grammar, and punctuation accuracy; as well as for space..

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