3 Benefits of Publishing a Book

These are the words of Julia Scalise, doctor of Naturology, Holistic Health Consultant, and Best-Selling Author of Balboa Press book “Do One Thing Feel Better\Live Better.” Julia answered the call to write her book and self-publish with Balboa Press. To learn more about her story visit her website and Facebook. Download the Balboa Press free publishing guide to receive more information. 

My Inspiration

Over the years that I’ve worked with clients, I’ve often heard and received requests from them to write a book. They wished to have a consolidation of bits of advice, and words of wisdom on health and well-being to help them remember information discussed during our consultations and to also share that information with their family and friends. So, on July 2nd, 2013 I awoke with an inspiration and a format in mind to do exactly that. Over the next 3 weeks, I focused and wrote, and by July 24th had my first draft of my manuscript, and went on to publication through Balboa Press by February of the following year.

The 3 Biggest Benefits of Publishing

1) Sharing my message: I was able to share my message with a much larger audience than would have been possible in only one-on-one personal consultations with clients. In addition to information reaching many, my message has been shared globally as well as locally. Helping others is and always will be a core of what is of value to me in my life.

2) Connecting with like-minded individuals: Because of increased visibility in being a published author with a message, I was able to connect with like-minded individuals who share the same aspirations to help others. It enabled me to virtually and physically connect with a group of individuals who are also working in their unique disciplines to be of service to humanity. In addition, several of the professional connections have led to personal friendships whose value to me is priceless.

3) Being seen as an expert in your industry: No matter your profession, in this day and age, competition is always there. To be seen as an expert, being a published author, especially a bestselling author, will only be an asset to the growth of your business. Having published a best-selling book, I have been invited to be a contributing writer to websites, quoted in various articles, and have been interviewed for various internet TV, radio shows, and podcasts. I know none of this would have happened had I not published a book.

There are many more benefits that can come to anyone who writes and publishes a book. But if the information shared isn’t of benefit, or the story isn’t of interest to anyone, then the time and effort of your work are futile. That is why it is important to anyone to consult with publishing experts for value, content, and worth of the work you put out there.

Working with Balboa Press

Although I had written the book and felt the information was share-worthy, I had no idea how to go about the process of book publishing. Balboa Press was recommended to me during a writing seminar I invested in and the rest is history. Partnering with a publisher like Balboa Press and utilizing their expertise in the industry can only enhance the chances of your book being the best possible and reaching a greater audience. There is so much I didn’t know that went into book publication and I know for a fact that without their guidance, professional editing, formatting, and marketing help, my book, and business accomplishments would not have achieved the success they have.

I encourage all to “write that book” and then get the professional help necessary to make your message or story the best it can be and most importantly, heard.

Balboa Press authors who’d like to share a 350-600 word experience related to the self-publishing of their books are invited to do so by the submission form on the Guidelines page. We may not be able to use every story, but we will read and consider them. Balboa Press reserves the right to edit stories for content, grammar, and punctuation accuracy; as well as for space.

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