5 Tips for Creating a Writing Routine

From time to time in this space, Balboa Press publishes articles written in which we hope to provide tips on writing, editing and publishing. Here is a blog written by us with some helpful tips on how to create a successful writing routine. Download our free publishing guide to receive more information on self-publishing your book with Balboa Press.  

If you are a first time author, the writing process can be very daunting. You might keep putting it off, week after week. Well, we have a few tips for you to create a writing routine that will help you write your book.

Create a writing retreat for yourself. You need to create a space for yourself that is solely for your use when you write. Surround yourself with things that make you happy and comfortable, things that relax you, and things that inspire your writing such as books by your favorite authors or beautiful paintings. To stay relaxed, light up a few lavender aromatherapy candles while you work. This will really create the perfect mood for you to relax and get some writing done!GettyImages_510067737

Put writing on your schedule. If you are like most people, your life is utter chaos. You have so many responsibilities that take up your week and leave you feeling exhausted and drained. Finding the time to write might seem impossible, but you must make it happen if you want your dreams to become reality. Get yourself a weekly planner to organize your life. Then carve out a few hours here and there to sit down and write.

Keep your notes organized and nearby.  Get yourself a nice binder with tabbed sections for all your notes if you have them, or try out a program like Evernote if you prefer digital. Whatever your preference, it’s time to get your notes neatly organized in one place. Once you’ve got them organized, keep them nearby in your writing retreat.

Grab yourself a yummy snack. This tip might seem unnecessary, but I promise that it is not. Eating small, healthy snacks is actually great for boosting your brain power and keeping you focused. Keep something small on your desk, such as fruit or trail mix, in case you get the urge to eat. Also, try to keep water or tea on hand. It really does keep you alert and focused!

Work in intervals so you don’t get frustrated . Try working in fifteen or thirty minute intervals at a time, writing as much as you can. Once you’ve finished an interval, take a five or ten minute break. Stretch, check social media, or make yourself coffee. When your break is up, don’t reread your work. Set another timer and pick up where you left off. Do this for as long as you can.

What is your writing routine like? Do you have tips for new authors? Share with us in the comments below!

Balboa Press authors who’d like to share a 350-600 word experience related to the self-publishing of their books, are invited to do so by sending a message through our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/BalboaPress, by tweeting us @BalboaPress, or by emailing blog@ balboapress.com. We may not be able to use every story, but we will read and consider them. Balboa Press reserves the right to edit stories for content, grammar and punctuation accuracy; as well as for space.

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