5 Daily Affirmations For Believing In Yourself

Balboa Press publishes articles written by our authors in which they share some aspect of their self-publishing journeys. These are the words of Tania Joy Antonio, certified life coach and author of The Affirmation Station. Download the Balboa Press free publishing guide to receive more information on self-publishing your book with Balboa Press. 

The Power of Affirmations

“I AM,” are two of the most powerful words a sentence can begin with. When we use them, we are senTania Joy Antonioding out a signal to the universe of what is in the present moment.  We really need to be mindful of how we use them. Positive affirmations have had a huge impact on my life, and continue to do so. It is a beautiful and simple tool for self empowerment. I believe there is so much power in putting pen to paper. Try writing out your affirmations. You can also say them aloud or look in the mirror while saying them. This is a great way to help build confidence.

The words we speak to ourselves quietly or out loud are so important. We have about fifty to sixty thousand thoughts a day. So of course, all of our thoughts are not always going to be positive. By cultivating a daily mindfulness practice of positive affirmations, we can recognize and honor our thoughts; only then can we can choose to replace the not-so-good thoughts with ones that serve our highest good.

Following are five simple positive affirmations to start using daily.

I love and accept myself as I am.

It is important to honor yourself. Focus on you and your uniqueness.  Comparison steals our joy. Be proud of who you are.  You are amazing.

I am using my voice, because my voice has value.

You have a voice. Your voice has value. Recognize that what you have to say is important. Let love lead and allow your expression to come from a place of authenticity.

I am open to divine guidance.

You were created with divine love. Take all the pressure off yourself. Let yourself be a channel for love and light. Tune in and tap into your intuition.  Trust and let yourself be guided.

Dr. Wayne Dyer says “ Every burning desire that you’ve ever had placed into your consciousness is placed there by the divine intelligence and it’s always speaking to you, encouraging you, and giving you callings”

When we allow ourselves to get quiet enough, we can hear the calling of our souls.

I am creative.

I am connected to divine intelligence. Creative expression flows through me freely and easily. My words inspire and heal.

Daily AffirmationsI am love, I am light. I am here to shine so bright.

You are filled with purpose and truth, with love and light. We tell a child to believe in who they are, to be proud to shine. We tell children they are worthy of all their hearts desires. This is also true for you and I, and so too should we tell ourselves these positive things. Ego will give us a million reasons why we “shouldn’t” say or do something. It keeps us playing small. That’s when we take our affirmations. We use them daily. We affirm that we know in our hearts we are here to shine, to learn, to teach and to evolve. Let us go forth and live our purpose, confidently sharing our gifts with the world.


Balboa Press authors who’d like to share a 350-600 word experience related to the self-publishing of their books are invited to do so by sending a message through our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/BalboaPress, by tweeting us @BalboaPress, or by emailing blog@balboapress.com. We may not be able to use every story, but we will read and consider them. Balboa Press reserves the right to edit stories for content, grammar, and punctuation accuracy; as well as for space. 

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for that Tania. It is certainly a challenge to keep the positive and negative thoughts separated in such a fast paced world. Still, we all need to find a way to slow it down occasionally. When I do have time to just think it’s so easy to let the negative thoughts flow, so having a pocket full of positive affirmations as you suggest is a nice tool. I’ll try to follow your lead.

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